Saturday, January 13, 2007

21: I Guess We're All Sober

It's still Friday night in most of the US, so nyah nyah...

Some notes on this set, Larry King-style: Jellyfish's Roger Manning plays Wurlitzer on the Format song...L.E.O. is comprised of many of my favorite artists—Bleu, Mike Viola, Andy Sturmer—playing in the style of various incarnations of Electric Light Orchestra, although this track is mostly Bleu...I was made aware of Nerina Pallot's song through a post by one of my Livejournal friends and, of course, I can't get it out of my head now...Members of The Tripwires are, or have been, a part of Young Fresh Fellows and Minus 5...enjoy.

Dime No. 21: I Guess We're All Sober

The Format "Time Bomb" (from Dog Problems; 2006)
The Postmarks "Goodbye" (from The Postmarks; 2006)
L.E.O. "Don't Let It Go" (from Alpacas Orgling; 2006)
Edmund's Crown "Damsel" (from Regrets Of A Company Man; 2006)
Nerina Pallot "Everybody's Gone To War" (from Fires; 2005)
The Tripwires "I Hear This Music" (from an upcoming 2007 album)
Sloan "Stand by Me, Yeah" (from Navy Blues; 1998)
The Jennifers "Lazy Stalker" (from Colors From The Future; 2007) [BUY IT HERE]
Willie Wisely "Through Any Window" (from Parador; 2006)
Owsley "Zavelow House" (from Owsley; 1999)


John I said...

Thanks for including our tune. The whole record is out now:

The Jennifers

Curtain Cleaning Brownsville said...

Awesomme blog you have here