- Email me at ed-at-suitcasefullofdimes-dot-com (gmail allows you to attach largish files to emails, in case you wanted to send an audio comment as an mp3);
- You can also leave a voicemail by calling the hotline at 703.791.1695
- Leave a comment on one of the many blog posts;
- Contact me via snailmail (if you're an artist mailing physical CDs or printed matter, for instance) at:
Suitcase Full of Dimes
c/o Ed Lynn
PO Box 535
Occoquan, VA 22125; - Social Networking Links
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=717555953;
- follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sfod;
- MySpace (as a last resort): http://www.myspace.com/pasquinade;
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Updated Contact Info!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
83: Where Does The Time Go?
Another mixtape show. Special note: Virginia Coalition has a new album coming out on March 18th called "Home This Year." It available for pre-order now. Check the links at their MySpace page by clicking their name below.
Dime No. 83: Where Does The Time Go?
Chris Trapper "35th Birthday" (from Hey You, 2006) Buy the CD @ CD BabyThe Amphibians "Wouldn't You Like It?"
ODi "A Superman"
Greg Waters "Time Machine" (from Play On, 2007) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
Virginia Coalition "Sing Along (edit)" (from Home This Year, available March 18, 2008)
Sarah Borges and the Broken Singles "Stop And Think It Over" (from Diamond In The Dark, 2007)
Alice Smith "New Religion" (from For Lovers, Dreamers and Me, 2006)
Jason Moss "Walk Away" (from Jason Moss. The EP., 2007)
Sydney Wayser "Carousel" (from Silent Parade, 2007) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
Doug Edgell "Born With A Broken Heart" (from Ghost Inside My Memory, 2007) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
Friday, February 22, 2008
Video: Can't Go Back
Michael Carpenter just posted about this video on Audities this week. I've only just gotten around to watching it and I love it. Give it a look and a listen and see if you don't agree.
Monday, February 18, 2008
82: Trying to keep my soul together.
Happy Presidents Day. Another ten song mixtape featuring new Codaphonic, Paul Collins Beat, and The White Affair.
Dime No. 82: Trying to keep my soul together.
Codaphonic "The Most Important Thing" (from The Ballad of Codaphonic, 2008)The Arts and Sciences (Paul Melançon) "Tell It To The Bees" (from Hopeful Monsters, 2005)
Nelson Bragg "Turn The Darkness Into Gold" (from Day Into Night, 2006) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
Paul Collins Beat "Big Pop Song" (from Ribbon of Gold, 2008)
Peasant "We're Good" (from On The Ground, 2008)
The White Tie Affair "The Letdown" (from Get In Where You Fit In, 2008)
Admiral Twin "Good As Gold" (from The Center of the Universe, 2007)
Sick Of Sarah "Bittersweet" (from Bittersweet EP, 2007)
Thundas Ink "Bad Weather" (from Episode One, 2007) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
The Maine "The Town's Been Talkin'" (from The Way We Talk EP, 2007)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
81: Three Hundred Eighty-Seven Years Later...
Wow! What the hell happened to January?! I think I must have time-travelled or something! My apologies for taking so long to get a new one out.
Dime No. 81: Three Hundred Eighty-Seven Years Later...
The Automatic Rhythm Section "Bury Me Not (In The Suburbs)" (from The Automatic Rhythm Section, 2007)Bryan Dunn "Audio/Stereo/Radio" (from Static & Scripture, 2005) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
Big Head Todd and the Monsters "Cruel Fate" (from All The Love You Need, 2007)
Parthenon Huxley "Better Than Good" (from Kiss The Monster, 2007)
Running Still "My House" (from Running Still, 2007)
Nada Surf "I Like What You Say" (from Lucky, 2008)
The Alice Project "Already Taken"
Mike Massé "Sun"
The Alrights "Happy Birthday Universe" (from Meeting of the St. Louis County League of Volunteer Astronauts: Excerpts from the Keynote Address, 2007) Buy the CD @ CD Baby
Bob Mould "The Silence Between Us" (from District Line, 2008)