It's another excellent show featuring some old favorites and some new ones. As mentioned, check out The Time Machine and Pop Garden Radio, streaming on the web every Saturday.
Dime No. 67: Nothin' You Can Buy
1990s "See You At The Lights" (from Cookies, 2007)Kelly's Lot "Drive"
Spanking Charlene "Groundhog's Day" (from Dismissed With A Kiss, 2007)
The Corner Laughers "You Two Are The Ones" (from Tomb of Leopards, 2006) Buy the CD
The Automatic Rhythm Section "20th Century Restaurant" (from The Automatic Rhythm Section, 2007)
DigiVegas Promo (
Petra Haden "Don't Stop Believin'" (from Guilt By Association, 2007)
Nelson Bragg "Forever Days" (from Day Into Night, 2006) Buy the CD
The Alrights "Heaven Sends Her Regards" (from High School, 2006) Buy the CD
The Portraits "Bangkok" (from Kin, 2006) Buy the CD
The Superfantastics "Back To The Future III" (from Pop-Up Book, 2007) Buy the CD