Another good show. An extra little note about The Offcutts that I forgot to mention in the show. The new album is streaming at their myspace page and you should definitely check it out, if only for the rockin' cover of Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot."
Also, there's a slight glitch in the Fake track. The glitch occurs 35 minutes and 19 seconds into the podcast. This was a glitch in the original file that I didn't discover until recording time and because it isn't too annoying, I'm leaving it in. But, minor as it is, I thought you should still be prepared for it.
Dime No. 40: Call Me A Dummy...
The Offcutts "Fearless Fighters" (from What Happened Don't Lie, 2007)The Redding Brothers "Chauvet" (from The Physics of Immortality, 2007)
Full Minute Of Mercury "Your Own Disaster" (from their yet to be titled CD, available June 2007)
Fishing For Comets "Acrobat" (from Scattered Among The Archipelago, 2006)
The Kellys "Up to Believe" (from Overture EP, 2007)
Leerone "To Fill The Void" (from her upcoming debut album, May 2007)
Fireking "Rebel Rouser" (from Live A Little, Love A Little, 2001)
The Queue "Killer On The Run" (from The White Label Demos EP, 2007)
Fake "I'm Waiting For The Man"
Everyone But Pete "The Fallout" (from Carry On EP, May 22, 2007)
Total Time—40:52

Download "Fearless Fighters" (mp3)
from "What Happened Don't Lie"
by Offcutts
Rubber Records
Buy at iTunes Music Store
Buy at eMusic
Buy at RealNetworks / Rhapsody
Buy at Napster
Stream from RealNetworks / Rhapsody

Download "The Fallout" (mp3)
from "Carry On"
by Everyone But Pete
Quickstar Productions
Buy at eMusic

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